The Difference Between Cosmetic Dental Treatments
Cosmetic dental treatments provide the means to improve the way one’s smile looks by improving the appearance of the teeth, gums, and bite. These treatments are also referred to as elective procedures, and they are generally only done in order to make the patient feel better about their appearance. There are many different types of cosmetic dental treatments. Some of these include: teeth whitening, veneers, crowns, bonding, lumineers, dental bridges, whitening gels, and more.
There are many reasons why people have cosmetic dental procedures performed. These reasons range from achieving whiter brighter smiles to correcting crooked or chipped teeth, straightening or receding gums, boosting self confidence, and eliminating unsightly scars. Whatever the reason for having a smile enhancement procedure, there are steps patients can take to achieve their smile goals. The steps involved in achieving the desired results vary with each patient and cosmetic dental practice.
Many patients choose to have dental implants installed because they offer a permanent way to improve their appearance. Dental implants can be used to correct teeth problems such as misaligned teeth, worn teeth, broken or dislocated teeth, or improperly placed teeth. Cosmetic dental clinics in sunny climates will often offer this type of treatment, which is sometimes covered by dental insurance. For patients who qualify, this is an excellent way to maintain healthy looking teeth and to avoid costly cosmetic dental procedures in the future.
In Los Angeles, there is a dental practice that offers patients who want veneers a chance to meet their smile goals. Dr. Samir Melki, the owner of Roslyn Farms Dental Surgery, believes that patients should have a choice as to how they fix their teeth. By offering tooth-whitening kits at his clinic, he hopes to give his patients the choice they deserve. By providing these types of cosmetic dental procedures, he hopes to increase his patient satisfaction and keep them coming back for more.
Patients who do not wish to undergo cosmetic dental procedures in order to improve their smiles are welcome to visit Dr. Melki’s office for other dental work or minor maintenance. Cosmetic dental work should not be performed until proper hygiene measures are put in place, such as toothpaste that contains fluoride and regular brushing. Cosmetic dental procedures should also be performed only after cleaning the teeth thoroughly with a mouthwash that contains fluoride. This will ensure that unsightly teeth are eliminated completely and that there are no cracks or decay in the gums.
When it comes to maintaining a bright white smile, there are several options available. Cosmetic dental treatments like veneers, whitening, and invisalign treatments provide patients with a way to enhance their smiles and to avoid costly and time-consuming dental work in the future. Patients should set realistic expectations regarding their results. Although these results are not always immediate, patients should take great pride in their new, improved smile and look forward to regular maintenance visits with their local dentist.